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In 2012 verloren we Jean Jacques Peters, voormalig ingenieur van het Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium (1964 tot 1979) en internationaal expert in sedimenttransport, rivierhydraulica en -morfologie. Als eerbetoon aan hem hebben we potamology (http://www.potamology.com/) gecreëerd, een virtueel gedenkarchief dat als doel heeft om zijn manier van denken en morfologische aanpak van rivierproblemen in de wereld in stand te houden en te verspreiden.
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Role of the sedimentation in the self-purification of the Scheldt Estuary Peters, J.J.; Wollast, R. (1975). Role of the sedimentation in the self-purification of the Scheldt Estuary, in: Water Resources Council. Sedimentation Committee Proceedings of the Third Federal Inter-agency Sedimentation Conference 1976. pp. 3-77 - 3-86
In: Water Resources Council. Sedimentation Committee (1975). Proceedings of the Third Federal Inter-agency Sedimentation Conference 1976. National Technical Information Service: Springfield. 974 pp.
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Documenttype: Congresbijdrage |
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Self purification |
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Abstract |
In this partially stratified estuary, the mixing process of fresh and salt water is responsible for an important deposition of the suspended load of the river in a restricted area corresponding to the harbour of Antwerp. This important shoaling is explained by the physico-chemical properties of the suspended matter and the hydrodynamical characteristics of the estuarine region. The mud accumulated in the estuary contains high levels of organic matter and heavy metals, and the sedimentation process contributes markedly to the removal of pollutants from the surface water. Mass-balances of input, output in the estuary and accumulation in the sediments were estimated for various pollutants. The role of the sediments on the oxygen budget was deduced from the previous mass-balances. Large concentrations of nutrients persist in the brackish water zone where oxygen is available and turbidity is low. As a consequence, this zone is eutrophied and diatom blooms are frequent. |
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