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Publicaties (4) |
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A1 publicaties (2) [show] |
- Alter, K.; Philippart, C.J.M.; Teng, S.; Bolier, H.; Drenth, P.; Dubbeldam, M. (2023). Consequences of thermal history for growth, development and survival during metamorphosis and settlement for the European flat oyster. Aquaculture 566: 739174. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.739174, meer
- Jacobs, P.; Greeve, Y.; Sikkema, M.; Dubbeldam, M.; Philippart, C.J.M. (2020). Successful rearing of Ostrea edulis from parents originating from the Wadden Sea, the Netherlands. Aquaculture Reports 18: 100537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aqrep.2020.100537, meer
Rapport [show] |
- Van den Heuvel - Greve, M.; Van den Brink, A.; Glorius, S.; Schipper, C.; De Kluijver, M.; Dubbeldam, M. (2011). Monitoring vooroeververdediging Westerschelde 2010: T1 Cluster 1/T0 Cluster 2. IMARES Wageningen Report, C031/11. IMARES Wageningen UR: Wageningen. 44 + bijlagen pp., meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
- Kamermans, P.; Blanco, A.; van Dalen, P.; Engelsma, M.; Bakker, N.; Jacobs, P.; Dubbeldam, M.; Sambade, I.M.; Vera, M.; Martinez, P. (2023). Bonamia-free flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) seed for restoration projects: non-destructive screening of broodstock, hatchery production and test for Bonamia-tolerance. Aquat. Living Resour. 36: 11. https://dx.doi.org/10.1051/alr/2023005, meer
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