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EFD Based Submissions For The Shallow Water Cases Of SIMMAN 2020
Delefortrie, G.; Eloot, K.; Van Hoydonck, W. (2023). EFD Based Submissions For The Shallow Water Cases Of SIMMAN 2020, in: SIMMAN 2020 Workshop on Verification and Validation of Ship Manoeuvring Simulation Methods, Incheon, Republic of Korea 17–19 July 2023: Volume IV. Workshop proceedings. pp. 19-24
In: (2023). SIMMAN 2020 Workshop on Verification and Validation of Ship Manoeuvring Simulation Methods, Incheon, Republic of Korea 17–19 July 2023: Volume IV. Workshop proceedings. Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering/The Society of Naval Architects of Korea: [s.l.]. 220 pp., meer
Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Documenttype: Congresbijdrage
Abstract |
Flanders Hydraulics Research (FHR, Antwerp, Belgium), as a member of the Knowledge Centre Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water (co-operation with Ghent University, Belgium), focussed on the shallow water oriented cases of SIMMAN 2020. As such the submitted data cover cases 2 (KVLCC2 in shallow water) and 4 (KCS in shallow water). Reference is made to [1] for more information on the cases. For the KVLCC2 all required force computations have been submitted (test case 2.1) as well as a simulation of the free running data (test case 2.2). Likewise the submission for the KCS considers all force computations (test case 4.1) and simulation of the free running data (test case 4.2). For all cases the simulation model is based on experimental fluid dynamics (EFD), using historical test data of FHR. On top of that, new free running trials have been carried out with the KCS at 20% under keel clearance and consequently 10 repetitions of a 20/5 zigzag test with the KCS have been submitted as well, corresponding to test case 4.2.1. The results need to be delivered in the ship bound axis system, however in this paper a horizontal bound axis system is used, due to the minor motions in the vertical plane and the increase in uncertainty induced by the transformation from the horizontal bound to the ship bound axis system.The present paper offers an overview on how the different cases were obtained and provides a discussion on the comparison between the own free running model tests with the KCS and the simulation predictions. |
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