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From treasures of the seas - To treasures of the Libraries: Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Meeting of the European Association of Aquatic Science Libraries and Information Centres (EURASLIC): Krimskoe Primor'e, Crimea, Ukraine, May, 2-4, 2007 [CD-ROM] Konjevic, S.; Mayer, M.; Haspeslagh, J. (Ed.) (2009). From treasures of the seas - To treasures of the Libraries: Proceedings of the 12th Biennial Meeting of the European Association of Aquatic Science Libraries and Information Centres (EURASLIC): Krimskoe Primor'e, Crimea, Ukraine, May, 2-4, 2007 [CD-ROM]. Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBBS): Sevastopol. 1 Cd-rom pp.
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